Why is Self Talk important

Positive Self-talk

"I always believed that when you follow your heart or your gut, when you really follow the things that feel great to you, you can never lose, because settling is the worst feeling in the world." -Rhianna

We are programmed by the world around us. Our relationship with others, media, etc., helps build us into the people we are. We tend to build ourselves upon the words of others or what we think the world wants us to be. What we say to ourselves seems to be an effect of that.
I would like to inform you of a way to reprogram yourself. To positively change the narrative of your life that you may have created base on the programming of the world.
Self-talk is a proven reprogramming technique. Our self-talk is our conversation to ourselves based on our programming, beliefs, feelings, and ideas about who we are and the world around us. What we say to ourselves is what our mind and body act upon.  If we say that we are lazy or unintelligent we become lazy and unintelligent. If we tell ourselves that we are successful and knowledgeable that is what we become. We become what we say to ourselves regardless of if it is true or false.
To create a successful life, you will need a positive attitude to push you through negativity. Self-talk is a productive way to build that characteristic.
Here are a few steps to lead you to positive self-talk.

1.        Be mindful
The best way to begin your self- talk reprogramming journey is to be mindful of the way you speak to yourself. During your days and nights listen to yourself intently. 
Focus on your thought's positive and negative flow.  Think about why you feel that way and where are the thoughts coming from.
Is what you saying to yourself something that you would say to someone you love? When you get the chance journal your thoughts negative and positive. Explain why you feel as you do. Journal this so that you may review your thoughts to see where changes need to be made.

2.       Forgiveness
Review your journal. Look at the negative thoughts that you have written. If your negative thoughts were because of wrongs and regrets from the past, you need to forgive yourself and let go. 
We do what we do base on the knowledge that we had at the time. If you have done wrong to someone, ask for forgiveness and make amends if needed. If you have wronged yourself, forgive you. It is sometimes easier to forgive another before we forgive ourselves.

3.       Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts
Think of all your accomplishments. Praise yourself for them. When negative thoughts arise think of them. 
When you have done something wrong do not beat yourself up. Learn from your mistakes and converse to yourself of what you could have done differently and fix the wrongdoing.
Listen to positive affirmations. Record yourself telling you how great you are, how beautiful and strong you are, etc. Listen to your positive affirmation when you awake and before you sleep. What you think that you are, is who you will become. The more positive your self-talk will build character and self-esteem.
When your inner critic tries to drown your thoughts with negativity just remember that you cannot think positive and negative at the same time. Self-talk positivity through the criticism.

Self-talk is a major part of strengthening who you are and building a positive attitude. The world around you has programmed who you should be. Taking control of your life by reprogramming through self-talk will build your confidence, self-esteem, and self-love which will lead to a successfully managed life.


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